With Endermologie®, results can be seen within the first few sessions! This amazing treatment visibly improves the appearance of cellulite on the skin, making it appear younger and smoother!
This LPG® technique was initially invented to be used for therapeutic massages. However, it was observed that it noticeably improved the appearance of cellulite, which was the beginning of a breakthrough. This patented treatment is noted as the first FDA® cleared process that reduces the appearance of cellulite, and has been used world wide with incredible success.
The secret to a more toned, streamlined body lies at the heart of the adipocytes, or fat cells. Scientific research has shown that Endermologie® activates lipolysis (fat release) by stimulating the adipocytes and B receptors, triggering them to release trapped fat.
Endermologie® not only trims away at fat, but also promotes skin fitness, smooths cellulite, and improves local blood and lymphatic circulation for healthy, beautiful skin.
Endermologie®: Streamline, Sculpt, Condition
Our Endermologie® treatments represent state-of-the-art technology in the hands of highly trained, experienced practitioners.
Optimal results require the combination of a few essential elements:
LPG®’s patented technology
The expertise of trained, certified technicians to tailor the clinically proven Endermologie® methodology to target our client’s individual needs.
What results can I expect?
One of the first things you’ll notice is an increased sense of well-being; your clothes will fit more loosely and your legs and hips feel tighter. You will observe a definite improvement in your skin’s condition, especially in dimpled, cellulite areas. This is the magic of the LPG® cellulite technique: you’ll see a visible difference in the contour of your skin’s treated cellulite portions.
How many treatments before I begin to see results?
Results have been seen as early as the first few treatments, but others notice changes after six or eight sessions. For best results, it’s important to continue your program through its entirety.
How often will I receive treatments?
Optimally, treatments should be completed twice a week; a minimum of once per week still being effective, depending on the pre-condition of the skin.
Is the treatment comfortable?
The treatment is a relaxing and pleasant massage-like experience that will be individually adjusted to your comfort level.
Do I have to follow any diet or exercise guidelines?
To maximize your results, it's important to drink plenty of water, especially after your treatments, to increase the "lymphatic flush" of waste. A healthy diet with exercise will always allow you to experience results faster, and keep them longer.
The added advantage, however, is that Endermologie® compliments every healthy lifestyle and produces results with the skin that exercise and diet alone cannot achieve.
Dr. Romita discusses benefits of Endermologie® on WNBC
Dr. Mauro C. Romita MD, Board Certified Plastic Surgeon, and named ones of the "Best Doctors in New York" by New York Magazine appeared on LX TV, a live, daily, lifestyle program. Dr. Romita discussed the many benefits of Endermologie®, including cost effectiveness, prime candidates for the treatment and why it's a better option than other techniques on the market.
Starting at ONLY $205 per session!
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The new endermologie® patent combines its most effective patented technologies for more intense and more rapid skin stimulation.
Cellu M6® Integral B
The Cellu M6® Integral B is the solution to help create elasticity in our client's skin for a more youthful, healthy appearance.
Full body or targeted body treatments
Reduction of the appearance of cellulite
Increases local circulation
Boosts fat release process ‘lipolysis’
Increase Lymphatic flow
Skin Fitness
Reduction in Delayed Onset Muscle Soreness (DOMS)
The Cellu M6® Integral B features the most advanced technology for body endermologie® treatments. The Ergodrive, a patented treatment head for the body, revolutionizes the body treatment technique providing effective results faster, and that last longer. Clients will notice more toned skin and less visibility of cellulite, and keep coming back for more.
How It Works
LPG® endermologie® is an FDA cleared, patented, and proprietary technique of cellular stimulation through reproducible mechanical massage. It is 100% natural and effective, and targets the connective tissues of the body and face, including skin, muscle, blood and lymphatic circulation. This mechanical massage technique provides a deep tissue mobilization within the Cellu M6® treatment head, with beauty, wellness, rehabilitation, sports and aesthetic medicine applications. LPG® techniques are non-aggressive and non-invasive, with no downtime and no known side effects.
Using LPG® patented treatment heads, our devices are equipped with Independent Motorized Roller (I.M.R.) patented technology for the body, and Motorized Pulsating Flap (M.P.F.) patented technology for the face, along with an aspiration system that embraces a skinfold to gently stimulate the tissues of the body and the face.
LPG® is the pioneer of advanced and patented technologies for the human body. Endermologie® was the first technology worldwide to gain FDA clearance for the treatment of Cellulite. For over 30 years, LPG® has been developing non-invasive technologies for both natural beauty as well as advanced therapeutic treatments. The benefits of LPG®techniques have also been proven by over 140 reputable scientific studies.
LPG® devices have been cleared by the FDA since 1998 and comply with all international quality standards.
Evidence Based Science
As a world leader in cellular stimulation with its technologies for health, beauty and well-being, LPG® is now improving lives in 110 countries throughout the world. Thousands of women around the world are treated with this innovative technology.
LPG®‘s International Scientific Committee of Research (CoSIRe) is made up of renowned experts from the health, beauty, and well-being industries.
To date, 130 studies have been carried out by researchers and professional experts on such diverse topics as: the usefulness of endermologie® both before and after surgical or medical procedures, an evaluation of its effects on gluteo-femoral lipolysis, and fibroblast activity, among others.
Endermologie® is a multi-session treatment with typical sessions lasting 15-35 minutes. Once the initial results are achieved, additional optimization sessions can be used to maintain and improve upon the initial results.

Extensive research has shown that body endermologie® helps to tone and improve the skin’s radiance, while reducing the appearance of cellulite. Endermologie® is backed by more than 140 studies, and a proven line of LPG® Cellu M6® machines. As a leader in the field, LPG® is the first device ever cleared by the FDA for the reduction in the appearance of cellulite. These studies have revealed the following:
Results from the latest body technology scientific study1:
70% increase in fat release (lipolysis)
240% increase in collagen production activation (skin re-densification)
1 LAFONTAN M.: Evaluation of the effects of LPG Technique on lipolysis and gene expression using respectively microdialysis and DNA microarray technologies. Clinical Investigation Center, Toulouse Hospital, France. Research Report 2009.
2 One-of-a-kind scientific study involving facial biopsies performed on 20 subjects by the Dermatology Department at the University Hospital of Besançon (France) under the supervision of Prof. Humbert, 2013.